Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Links! Sit down, be quiet! We've got Links!

So, to ensure that I actually post this week, I thought I'd take time to mention a few other webpages that have occupied my attention recently.  I'll start with two that I've just had time to glance at, but definitely intend to spend more time with.

MediaShift at PBS  is a blog that talks about the 'digital media revolution.'  I use scare quotes here for the same reason, basically, that this blog exists in the first place (Hajoon Chang, whose book is the subject of a previous post touches on this as well): is it really a revolution?  And if so, whose revolution is it? 

At any rate, this is a cool page with interesting news stories that will generate discussion among media, education, and social networking types.  The link here will take you to a post about a series of free online university classes offered recently by Stanford University.  The classes drew active participation of around 35,00 students.

Meriwether is an excellent, quirky, and highly readable blog with much the same mission as mine.  Check it out for hip little posts on what this blogger is reading, writing, watching, drawing, and otherwise doing with her free time as a teacher in rural South Korea.

Now two other sites that regular draw my attention.

Roboseyo, I'll say it, is South Korea's best expat blog.  It is as bias-free as an expat experience-oriented blog can hope to be and offers TONS TONS TONS of information for any kind of expat, English teacher or not, new arrival or not.  It can also make for interesting reading if you are considering coming to South Korea, or if you have friends or family here and just want to get a glimpse of what their lifestyle is like.

Penny Arcade keeps me in touch with the world of console gaming, which used to be a thing that took up a lot of my time.  Not so much anymore.  But I still check out the hilarious (if you are a gamer) comics on this website about once a week. 

So, that's all I got for now.  Next week is final exam week for my students, so my adventures in sitting still and being quiet these days mainly involve grading.  I'll check in once I've stepped through that chronosynclastic infundibulum.

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